27 June 2011

Interesting Search Exercise

While looking for a particular story, I was interrupted in my search. I had only managed to type "Obama opposes" into Yahoo when I was called away from the desk. Upon my return, Yahoo had come up with some suggestions for what I might be seeking, and it came up with an interesting list. So, I also typed in "Palin opposes" and "Palin supports" and "Obama supports" just to see what the search engine suggestions drag up for me. It was an interesting exercise, and I encourage you to think of similar boolian strings to use just for grins and giggles.

Here were today's results:

Obama supports

Obama opposes:

Palin supports:

Palin opposes:

As you look at the candidates, these are interesting tag lines. Remember that they are taken out of context but that they are quite illustrative of general mentality and bias.

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