20 January 2011

Day 13: What I Did Today

0500: Wake up, get dressed, read scriptures. No more '-ites'.

0534: Out the door. Ran 10K, did pushups and situps

0618: Shower, shave, dress, play "In Humility Our Savior" on the piccolo

0700: Breakfast- grapenuts, which is my standard faire. Take out trash.

0726: Drive to work

0758: Arrive at work, start this blog article. Dr. T arrives, concerned about our ability to accomodate double the sections of class this semester. He informs me he'll ask the Dean to send someone over to help me out on days when I need it.

0823: Dr. L arrives early for our meeting, which I thought was at 0900, and he calls Dr. S to see if she's coming, and she forgot, so we get to start at 0900

0840: Set up computers for students in lab

0903: Meeting to reorganize and reconfigure and rewrite the microscopy lab

1015: My boss arrives and asks me to sign some paperwork

1108: finish setting up computers for first week of lab that starts Monday

1145: check RC Willey ad; furniture still not on sale

1215: lunch...tilapia with rice

1245: respond to email from a student

1249: respond to alcohol article on my other blog

1317: look up fungal inhibitors and new slides to purchase for microscopy lab

1407: coordinate service project

1424: get my third call asking if this is the ESL office (about 90% of my phone calls are for this department, from which they stole my extension when they hired me)

1428: look up word of the day

1435: read the blogs I follow that have updates

1500: staff meeting: discuss with boss space restrictions and my plan to accomodate the new burden of courses for the semester. discuss changes to coursework and when we expect to implement them in the laboratory experiments. discuss the new instructors teaching labs and ask for them to move two sections of General Bio across the hall for better logistics and room optimization.

1545: put together chemicals requested by another instructor on another campus so we dont' have to buy more stuff.

1713: leave work for the day and drive home

1800: dinner

1900: HOA meeting (first one since I moved in)

2030: get ready for bed

I'll fill this in later with anything else noteworthy that happened after I left work.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Your life is pretty busy -- but you accomplish a ton!

Thanks for the comment on my blog and for the prayers - we need them and I'm grateful.