22 January 2011

Day 15: Next Three Items on Bucket List

They're not the next three things on there as much as they are the next things I hope to accomplish this year. They include...

1. Ride a bull: there's a bar not far from where I work with a mechanical bull that several of my friends have ridden. Since it doesn't have the gore danger of a real bull, I'll head over there one night and check that off my list this year.
2. Ride a horse: this is related to the first one except that I actually want to learn to ride a real horse. It's a skill I think every man should know how to do, and since I know horses are expensive, I'll content myself to simply know how to handle one and not burden myself with its care as such.

3. See the aurora borealis
4. Pan for gold in alaska: these two are connected because I intend to go to Alaska this summer for a week. Hopefully I'll get to do and see all the things I want to, but at the very least I will be able to say I have done certain things in Alaska, which is something most people I know cannot say.

5. Publish a picture for profit: I've been working the last few weeks on putting together my photography book on Nevada for publication. It's not as 'exciting' photography as other professionals I know, but rather it's a historical explanation of why those places are significant and contains instructions on how to get there, when I went, and how I shot the images it contains so you can either go there yourself or appreciate the things I have done in my free time for the past five years or so. Wow, I've spent that long on it?

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