15 November 2010

Vanity Plates

I have noticed that many people with 'vanity plates' seem to do stupid things that cause me to pay attention to them. Take, for example, the woman arrested in NH who had her name on her plate, which was sighted as she sped away from a robbery. I know other people speed, cut me off, and commit crimes, but I do find it absolutely fascinating how many people with personalized plates break the law.

Perhaps the answer is in the word 'vanity'. People who are vain usually think they are better. I have already written that it's not necessarily personal that they think they are better than you as much as it is that they think they are more important than your car. Nevermind that you are in your car traveling in a speeding missile parralel to their own trajectory at the moment they decide to cut you off. It costs a great deal to get a vanity plate. In tough economic times, that seems like one of the easiest ways to cut back and save $100 per year or so.

When you do this, it is much easier for me to remember your plate. Even if I don't get what you were trying to say, it's easier than memorizing "CA Plate Victor-Alpha-784-Charlie-Tango" when it says "LVMYWFE". Just a thought, next time you decide to cut me off, slash my tires, or rob a bank that it might be a better idea not to have your name on your car and to take the ski mask out when you get home.

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