01 November 2010

Pre Election Thoughts

Since the election is tomorrow and since the powers that be do the same things every time, I thought it prescient to post a few tips for those headed to the polls in the morning.

Ignore the exit polls. Go vote your conscience. Pollsters right now are absolutely drooling to talk to me as a registered Democrat. Back in 2008, you may remember a pollster hung up on me when I told her I would vote for Obama only if God himself appeared to me and personally commanded me to do so. The polls in the last few weeks are designed to disspirit voters.

Ignore the last minute stories. I generally ignore everything that comes up in October (the October surprise) because I don't have time to investigate it before I vote. Were the things they allege really true, they would publish them as soon as they know them and not wait until last minute to sway you. Sad to say, I have previously been caught in this.

Stick to your first gut choice. Students in classes with me made most of their mistakes when they second guessed themselves. Smart people think too much. Stick to your gut no matter how many 30 second blurbs you hear.

If you are accused of something, cowardice, racism, etc., by people who don't know you, ignore them. They have been told what to say to heckle, harass, daunt, and disspirit their opponents. Evil men only win when they cheat. Like Edmund Burke is quoted as saying, "All that is necessary for the success of evil is for good men to do nothing." They win if you stay home.

Predictions are designed in the 11th hour to make a win seem like a loss. The media wants you to think that anything less than a grand slam by the Conservatives is a loss. If you don't win every election, you lost and the Tea Party Movement was ineffective. It is not about for them whether or not you won; it is about whether they lose. It is an attempt to shape events. Most of the nation is conservative. Most of the ruling class is elitist.

If you like the way things are, vote Democrat. No matter how they dress it, Democrats have controlled the legislature since 2006 even though Bush was president. Obama voted against only one increase in spending and one tax hike. Vote for people or moral character. You know what your state needs. Vote for someone who agrees. Obama presides over a nation in decline. If he and his supporters thought this was a great nation, they would laud and applaud you.

Go vote. Uninformed opinion is invalid until those people show up to vote. You must come counter them with your own. Beyond the fraud, there is great danger in the ignorance and indifference of a significant fraction of the populace that doesn't care as long as they have their daily bread. As Dick Cheney said as Secretary of Defense in 1991, "It is easy to take your liberty for granted when it has never been taken from you" and as Thomas Paine wrote, "That which we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly." Go vote. It really is the least you can do.

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