19 August 2010

Someone Else Made Me Do It...

I have always hated this red herring. I learned yesterday that I 'offended someone'. I can't offend you without your permission, and yet people surrender constantly and consistently their responsibilities. Young people want to be treated like adults without having to carry the burdens of adulthood. They blame other people as a rule, which is a completely natural albeit false tendency. Imagine my anger this morning when I read how Castro believes there's a global conspiracy. This man is a complete basketcase.

First off, what's up with the title of this article? Why do I care what fascinates Fidel Castro?

As for the rest of this, conspiracy theories are largely excuses for inactivity. "Someone else controls my fate/life/job/prospects/actions/etc., so there's nothing I can do." If that's true, why does anyone give a flying flapjack about anything? If that can be true about humans, then how can these same people not believe in a Higher Power that controls things? This duplicity of thought about the role of humans and their place really gets my dander up. Humans are really irrelevant, universally speaking. We are very insignificant and fragile and here only because the Universe and its Governor haven't decided we are as much of a pest as we believe ourselves to be.

Although much of what happens in life IS out of your control, what you do about what you are given always is. In the end, no matter what happens, no matter how other people treat or oppress you, there is one last inch that they can only take if you surrender it. That inch is your integrity. It is an inch, and it is small, but in that inch, every one of us is free.

Read Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search For Meaning". Regardless of circumstance, this is still a Choose Your Own Adventure story.

Don't ever surrender responsibility for the things you control. Live free or die.

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