25 August 2010

Islam: Church is the State

One huge problem with the Mosque is the nature of Islam. Islam is an oppressive state. Islam is a theocracy. The so-called religion of peace wipes out everyone who happens to disagree with them. They are like the Genesis device of Star Trek fame- they overwrite whatever life was there in favor of their new matrix.

It is an established fact over centuries that Muslims build mosques over symbolic sites of their vanquished enemies as a way to establish their preeminence. The Romans too built Triumphal arches in cities th...ey conquered or at the sites of great victories (see the Arc de Triumph in Paris for example, which has Julius Ceasar's face on it). Even the Russians, as they conquered Nazi Germany, set up bleak monuments to their fallen dead all over the Austrian countryside.

What do you think the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is? It's a Mosque built over the site where the Jewish Temple of Solomon stood until it was destroyed by Titus in 70AD. Whatever the Muslims claim about that site, it was occupied intermittently by some kind of Jewish Temple for over 1000 years from 960BC to 70AD without the Muslims ever attempting to build anything there. If not for the Romans, Mohamed would not have been able to 'ascend to heaven' from that spot, because he would not have been anywhere near the Jewish Temple. It was in any event a Jewish symbol before it was a symbol of anything else, and it continues to be a point of strife today, almost 1500 years after the Muslims built it.

Everyone does not have the freedom to worship, despite claims of Democrat politicians to the contrary. A Greek Orthodox church was destroyed by Tower II, but they have been DENIED permission to rebuild a building that was already there. People of my Faith were once jailed, fined, and eventually driven out of America, and they are STILL vilified just on account of their faith. There are 20 mosques in the Bronx alone already; must they build one that close to a place where thousands of innocents were killed by fundamentalist radicals?

If the GOC was also allowed to build, I seriously doubt this would be as much of an issue as it is. I was not personally affected by this, but some people were, and to build one that close probably grates on them more because they feel it's disrespect for our hallowed dead. I am a bit disturbed too that they plan to build/open it on the 10th anniversary. Don't try to link it. If you build it, just build it.

Muslim radicals are antagonistic towards any other religions. There can be no peaceable coexistence with Islam. It is a matter/anti-matter relationship with any other religion. There is no separation of church and state in Islam. The Rabbinate of Jerusalem forbade access to the Dome of the Rock by non-muslims. That's not freedom. How can you demand it of us and not demand it of them?

Why do Liberals support the efforts of this religion? Their religion is anything but actual Faith and fidelity. Like Inga Barks once said, "There is God and then there is government. God is greater than government, and government doesn't like that." The enemy of their enemy (religious conservatives) is their friend.

Mayor Blomberg came out in support of the Mosque. It indicates a preferential treatment towards Muslims. There is a big play on western guilt, where we are EXPECTED to live up to our morality while everyone else can change theirs at will. The fact that Imam Roth has permission to build but the Greek Orthodox church does not indicates favor towards one religion by the Congress, a flagrant violation of the ban on the government by the Constitution to establish any religion.

The Muslim faith is oppresive. No other faith on earth of which I am aware creates more second class citizens or denigrates women as much as Islam. Although the Q'uran recognizes 'people of the book', because I neither look muslim nor practice their faith, I am considered as an infidel, unworthy, from their religious perspective from those who practise the religion in either extreme orthodoxy or radicalism. Women are discouraged from leadership, employment, and from visibility in public, and they are not generally allowed to worship in the same facilities. Islam is a reactionary faith that advocates the 'eye for an eye' policy to prevent recidivism. There is no repentance or redemption of which I am aware except to die in Jihad, often in trade for innocents whose only crime is that they are not muslim.

My own faith includes the tenant to allow other people to worship what, how and when they see fit. I treat others as I would like to be treated. Whatever you believe is your business. Religion is a very personal thing. Faith is entirely a matter of personal effort and concern. Islam is a threat to American Constitutionalism because it intends to compel men to live a certain way instead of that 'animating contest of agency' spoken of by Samuel Adams. God will force no man to heaven.

I wonder if those who support this mosque have ever left that small area around them to see the broader world. I have lived abroad for five years of my life. It's easy to take American freedoms for granted when you have never lived without them.

Nobody worries about upsetting a Christian. King George III would say you should.

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