14 August 2008

Stay on Target


I hate listening and talking to liberals, because they never answer my questions. They use verbal techniques and logical fallacies to answer by not answering and take control of the situation.

I hate the phrases they use. If “everybody knows”, why don’t I? For that matter, why are we even discussing it if it’s so obvious? Clear condescension shines through in that false premise.

Liberals are very adept at the false premise. They say things as if it’s a foregone conclusion, as if everyone knows, without ever providing evidence. Much as I dislike Ross Perot, at least he came prepared with pie charts. They are the teachers to whom I used to complain and ask them to cite their source. I try, in this blog and in everything I write, to show where things come from, to show that the ideas are not some fly-by-night delusion of mine and backed up with someone possessed of credentials to comment on the topic.

Liberals love logical fallacy. George Bush was president on 9-11, therefore via ad hoc, the terrorist attack was his fault or as a response to his presidency. George Bush is the president, therefore he’s responsible for gas prices rising. Nevermind that Bill Clinton was the president not nine months prior to the terrorist attack, which was well-planned and not spur of the moment or that Democrats control Congress. Things that occur together are not always causative or resultant; sometimes they just happen to occur and are not related, even if they will be because they coexist.

Finally, liberals always divert conversation to a new topic. They answer the question they wish was asked if they answer a question at all, but usually they simply launch into some tirade of talking points orchestrated to dull our minds and senses. When they ask me questions, they usually don’t care what I think or why, they’re looking for something from which to launch another question. They don’t listen, and when they speak, they say very little of use or substance.

Unfortunately, this seems to be something many folks do. I rub people wrong a lot by speaking my mind and being upfront. I figure I save time and effort being upfront and honest with people, and my friends usually appreciate it, even when it upsets them. Plus, it does not seem helpful to politicians to be on the “straight talk express”, since everyone who promises that speaks in circles.

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