11 August 2008

Held in Reserve


The Democrats keep touting release of oil from the strategic oil reserve as a way to alleviate higher prices at the pump. The fact of the matter is that if that will solve the problem, why won’t it help if we drill for more? This seems like a simple issue of supply and demand, whereby if they increase supply by releasing that oil, prices might fall. However, with nothing to replace it that will no longer work as a strategy, so any relief it has will be temporary and minute.

America keeps a strategic oil reserve so that if, God forbid, the flow of oil from overseas suddenly stopped, we could still defend the nation for about a week. Tanks and planes cannot and will not in the foreseeable future run on any other fuel. If you rob the military of that fuel supply, how will they defend the nation?

How is it strategic to release it to the general populace? Senator Obama and Representative Pelosi show their ignorance and incompetence by endorsing this policy. The general populace does so many things that do nothing of strategic value to the nation. It is not strategic for us to pick up dry cleaning, pop into a club, grab a six-pack, work out, hit starbucks, rob a bank, drive to work, etc.

If more oil will lower price, let us drill. That will last a lot longer than a week anyway.

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