John McCain gave a speech today about “immigration reform” that has nothing to do with reform and everything to do with patronizing. What he wants, like everyone else in the election, is votes, no matter what he has to say to whom. He’ll just feign ignorance later.
McCain mentioned treating people who live in this country like God’s children, as if treating illegal aliens with the full force of law is somehow opposed to God’s plan. God happens to be a God of order, and if he holds you and I responsible for our conduct as individuals, you can bet he holds them accountable as well. They ought to stop breaking the law. This is not a debate over being god's children; it's a debate about the rule of law.
It is contrary to civilization to ignore the law. John Locke, in his Second Treatise on Civil Government wrote about how the reason for law was to protect property, to protect that which belongs to me. Well, by gum, this is my country, and I hold politicians like John McCain accountable to protect it from those who would destroy it. Many of these illegal aliens do not want to assimilate and become Americans. They want to set up microcosms of their homeland on our shores and refuse to integrate.
Illegals deserve what comes their way. Locke writes, “In transgressing the law, the offender declares himself to live by another rule than that of reason and common equity”, and by so doing surrenders any right to protection under the law. When you defy the law, the society is no longer obligated to extend any rights to you. That’s why convicted felons lose the right to vote and suffer extra suspicion when they commit other crimes, having first given reason to suspect them as contrary to civilization. Rights are not guaranteed no matter where we’re from or no matter what we do.
McCain instead insists on catering to their vote, without buying it, while ignoring those among them who respect the law. He ignores the purpose of punishment, which is to deter others from doing like mischief. Free societies are grounded in reason, and it is unreasonable to extend to those who denigrate our laws the benefits and protection thereof. It does a great disservice and smack of dishonor to them who did so fairly and justly.
People who obtained franchise by the qualifying and just means proscribed oppose this amnesty rhetoric of McCain’s. When I applied to work for the Border Patrol, at the examination, I met a candidate from Peru who told me that he disproved of the antics of Mexicans who entered the nation as illegals only to be granted special privileges. My own ancestors did not come here illegally, yet they were hunted and driven from the country, but that's another story. Generation after generation of my forebearers served in arms, even when the government that requested soldiers had originally driven them from its shores.
McCain’s plan is a plan of indentured servitude. He cares only for illegal aliens for the profit they may temporarily bring him in the election. Therefore, he endorses any indirect incentives to come here illegally and dissuades them from wanting to become Americans. Unless you come to America hoping to take advantage of it, you will try to become part of it. If you care only what this country can do for you, you are not civilized and underserving of the benefits of civilization. We will take the people who come here, if they, as our forefathers, do so according to the rule of law and swear allegiance to American government and principles, without which this will simply become another failed western nation that voluntarily parted with its sovereignty.
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