I saw this ad this morning, and thought to myself that were the choice given to me, it would be no contest.

Godspeed the troops.
For those of you who prefer giving money to animals, condoms for high school students, welfare recipients, and bridges in Alaska than allowing the Congress to appropriate money for the defense of the nation shame on you even though that is your right. Godspeed the troops and God bless the millions who lie interred to rise no more who died in the cause of freedom.
Happy 4th of July
Godspeed the troops.
For those of you who prefer giving money to animals, condoms for high school students, welfare recipients, and bridges in Alaska than allowing the Congress to appropriate money for the defense of the nation shame on you even though that is your right. Godspeed the troops and God bless the millions who lie interred to rise no more who died in the cause of freedom.
Happy 4th of July
Wow, what kind of person would rather save a dog over a human being? My wife is a huge fan of dogs (every one she sees is 'cute'), but I know even she would rather someone's father/mother come home safely over a potential pet.
Very bad ad for that kind of organization. Their QA needs help. Something inside me refuses to believe that ad wasn't an accident in listing the choices in that manner
I wish I could say it was an isolated incident, but I just checked again, and that ad is STILL posted.
Like your wife, I too love dogs. However, I know that sometimes it's not in the best interest of an animal to prolong its life for our sakes. That's very selfish.
This is part of a much bigger problem that I will detail, where a desire to serve your country is denigrated as being less valiant. Thank you Senator Obama for feeding that precedent.
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