Although they say that if you aren't liberal when you're young you have no heart, I don't think that's true. If you read this blog regularly, you know that I care about people and that my heart bleeds for one particular and practically perfect person. That being said, I have never been a liberal- I have never believed in expediency. I don't believe in a "living and breathing" set of rules that is always integrated at every point to justify and advance what you already happen to believe. Liberalism is, as Rush Limbaugh asserts, lies. It's pushed by the Father of All Lies. It's built upon the notion that everyone has a price, and that everyone can be bought with "stuff". It relies upon propaganda in the guise of "education" and trusts that people won't do their own homework or stand up for dissident beliefs. It excuses everything on intentions regardless of actions and claims that the ends always justify the means. In all of that, liberalism projects these faults on its OPPOSITION and slanders and libels conservatives. One of my former students actually retweeted this week the asinine notion that Democrats ended slavery. Really? You must be joking! At the end of the day, I have a conscience, which is why I have been and always was a Conservative. I realize this may cost me friends, dating prospects, promotions, etc. Well, you can keep that mess of pottage. I am a Child of God, and I won't deny Him.
Liberals will always think that YOU have too much money until you have none at all. When I was 12, I inherited from a distant relative whose identity doesn't matter a sum of stock transferred to my name. Shortly after Bill Clinton won the presidency, the tax laws changed, and I was charged some small amount (I think it was $38) in income tax because capital gains were taxed regardless of income. This was done to catch all those "rich" people who don't earn money by going to a job, but since it caught me, at the age of 14, I was upset that I had to pay money for the right to keep my own money. Now that I'm an adult, I watch liberals propose programs essentially designed to buy votes, where in exchange for power they provide pelf, in many cases under false pretenses. Some of them will say, "here are these six onties of silver, which I will give you if you deny what you believe" and some people take it! Selling your soul for silver makes you weak. The rest of the time, they promise you a free lunch and then try to buy you with your own money sometimes and get you to agree with them for personal profit. Well, my soul is not for sale. I work very hard to provide what I desire and to care for people I love, but I do not know you, and most of you don't like me, so why would I be working to help people who hate me? Our calamity is sometimes exacerbated by the realization that we furnish the means by which we suffer.
During that same year, my parents gifted me the complete works of CS Lewis, chiefly amongst them "The Screwtape Letters". For those who don't know, that particular book contains fictitious correspondence between two devils attempting to lead a man astray during WWII in Great Britain. The more I read, the more I experienced things that I felt, that people around me tried to prevail upon me to believe, and that the government, media, and liberals preached as doctrine issue straight from Screwtape's mouth as advice about what Wormwood ought say to his "patient" in order to mislead and destroy him. Just inside the front cover, I wrote in pencil back in 1995: "Nothing convinced me more that liberalism is the philosophy of hell than reading this book". I've alluded to it on this blog before, so I won't belabor the point, but the same arguments, the same topics, the same ideas I hear issue from the mouths of liberals today were plied by the pied pipers of prosperity back in the 1960s just as vigorously as they are today. Consequently, as liberal ideas paraded before my eyes in high school and college I knew they were the techniques of the adversary of truth and disregarded them.
At almost every juncture, liberals appear to be the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Sure, other people make mistakes, but I have watched liberals talk out of both sides of their mouth as well as do the opposite of what they say WHILE saying it! A memorable majority of garbage we find on the trail evinces the passage of those "environmentally conscious" persons who buy power bars, special trail foods, energy drinks, and the like. Almost everyone I have to lecture on trail etiquette, camping regulations, and dog handling on the mountain shops at REI, Patagonia, the North Face, etc., companies who give some fraction of their funds to "save the planet", I guess because their customers destroy it. Many liberals complain about wealth but do not understand that compared to most people they are rich beyond the dreams of avarice, and while they prattle about carbon emissions and drive their fancy cars and fly their private jets it never dawns on them that they're part of the problem. Liberals are the people who always end up unfriending me because of my religion or politics, even if they are liberal republicans. While they require me to tolerate them, they also require that I become what they tolerate. Some of them who read this blog will say that they hope we can still come to an understanding, but they never seem willing to compromise on THEIR narrow vision or admit error.
As much as finances, education, and behavior influenced my beliefs, the greatest influence on who I am, what I believe, and how I live originates with my Faith. Even though it grows increasingly passe to stick on the side of God and stand for right, and even if I stand alone, I continue to adhere to the directions and commandments I understood and understand to be the word of God. He has declared certain behaviors, beliefs, patterns, and circumstances to be contrary to His will, and so no matter what the Wicked Traditions of Our Fathers may allege, I will choose the Lord. The Pope, some politicians, and even some prominent members of my Faith may change with the times for the sake of "political correctness", but making something legal does not make it ethical or moral, and neither does making it popular or common. I continue to maintain that there are laws irrevocably decreed in heaven. This is where I am; this is where I will stay, and I will not be moved. My ally is God Almighty, and you cannot do anything to me unless He gives you permission (that's the lesson of Job). I will follow the law, the Law, and the Lawgiver. I will not presume to be wise enough or almighty enough to formulate better ones or to supplant them in their place. Choose Ye This Day whom Ye will serve. If you choose to serve mammon, then we're not going to be close friends or anything else. We don't have enough common ground, and the ground on which you decided to plant your flag is built upon the sand, which eventually cannot stay in the storms of Truth like you could if you were built on the Rock. I may disappoint God sometimes, but I'm not intentionally fighting against Him, and at least, unlike many liberals, I'm willing to admit "I might be wrong".
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