Political advertisements proclaim that Hillary Clinton has an answer for everything. Most of them are retreads, and the rest are vapid. Her economic plan sounds a lot like the one her husband touted in 1992. She dismisses challenges, laughs off criticism, and comes across in every way as an idealogue except to the people who believe her to be the political savior of the hour. Besides lying about Benghazi, private emails, and her husband's decadence in the Oval Office, she also lies about her generosity. Like I pointed out to my Sunday School class this past week, she is one of those deceived by Screwtape whose benevolence towards those she has never met is largely imaginary while her hatred for those she knows is wholly real. She doesn't really care about you, but she has persuaded a large portion of the electorate that she does.
Confusingly, Hillary Clinton talks about jobs as if Obama didn't create as many as she claims. She claims to have a plan to create tons of jobs, especially ones that will pay well, which she proposes to achieve via taxes, regulations and punishment. Assuming that she has a plan, how does any of that incentivize people to hire? Businesses hire people because they need more people because they're doing more business. If that's true, why hasn't she implemented this master plan? She's been in public office my entire life. If that's true, why didn't she share it with Barack Obama? He's been in office as POTUS for almost eight years, and if she has a great plan, why haven't we already implemented it? If she loses the election, will she refuse to share those "brilliant ideas" with Trump? Is she holding us for ransom to elect her or she won't help us? I don't think she knows how to create a job. She has never proved she can create a job outside of government, and she barely held any jobs outside of government, so I think this is all hat and no cattle.
She claims to care about the poor. However, she never bothers to define what poor actually means. They are quick to define rich- which means $250,000 for a family of four, which is hardly a "millionaire" especially compared to her. She "only" earned $10 million last year. She's super rich, but all too often those who demand we do more charity are the least giving among us. What has she done to help the poor? When did she last give anything away or feed the homeless or take in a refugee? No, she insists that OTHER PEOPLE do that while she takes the credit. How diabolical of her! Instead of helping others, the last eight years, she collected money and put it in her pocket. The Boston Globe called on Wednesday that "if she wins she should dissolve her foundation"; she should dissolve it now because it's a criminal enterprise established so that she can get credit for giving money to her favorite charity- herself. The Clinton Foundation doesn't help the poor; it helps her friends. Besides, she doesn't know what poor means; she complained about leaving the White House and being bankrupt; well, she still considers herself poor after she and Bill received $250 MILLION in speaking and book fees since leaving office. Poor Hillary.
Like most liberals, Hillary Clinton lives by the adage do as I say and not as I do and refuses to put her own money where her mouth is. Despite all this money, she has barely given anything to charity (because the Clinton Foundation isn't really a charity no matter what its tax status). She says that we need to build bridges not walls. Her compound has a wall; why not a moat? At least then you could build a bridge. Just make sure to make it a drawbridge or place a portcullis so you can keep out the "little people". When I posted something about that Monday to the internet, within 30 minutes, I received hateful, disdainful, demeaning replies and communiques from 50 or more of her lower lackeys. I didn't direct my comments to these people; in fact, I've never heard of any of them before. However, I received hate mail from people who flew out to defend her. I'm sorry, but if she's so feeble that she has to depend on these people to defend her, how can she govern this great nation? I'm sorry, but if they think that pointing out the mote in another person fixes the beam that is in their own they are mistaken. Who has she hired? Who has she helped? Oh, she makes claims, but she never names names and gives specifics. Like most liberals, she just throws it out there, and if it goes unopposed it must be true. That's what pathological liars do. They take credit and give blame instead of taking blame and giving credit, but I digress.
As selfish as the day is long, Hillary Clinton has been working very hard to help Hillary Clinton. Like most politicians, she is her own favorite constituent, beneficent and beneficiary. She talks about "shared sacrifice" and then she has the gall to say, after earning $250 million, that she's going after "rich" people. Nobody seems interested in the media in asking her to prove anything she says. Now, they won't look at evidence that counters them, which is a sure sign of a demagogue, and she's never required to provide any evidence to support what she claims. People just take her word. If she had answers, why wait until you are 70? If you care about the poor, what have you done to help the people around you? If it's true, there should be evidence to back it up, but like most blowhards, she's long on talk and short on action. Hillary Clinton claims she has all the answers, and she's had 70 years to prove it. Don't believe the hype. If it were true, why wait? She could have enjoyed the fruits all these years. Liberalism is lies.
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