I finally experienced a positive encounter with law enforcement for the first time in my life, which unfortunately happened only because I was mugged on the way home. Just before 9PM, not far from home, a black male ran up on me from behind, jumped me, and eventually made off with my backpack full of ammo and groceries. Several times, he menaced me, chased me, and threatened me, ultimately throwing things at me as I fled the scene before fleeing himself when I made contact with 911. Of course, we all know who the villain MUST be, because I'm a white guy, and we all know that under Obama all crime in America is the white man's fault. What's stupid is that it got escalated to violence, making it a felony, and essentially amounted to much ado about nothing. What he took is difficult if not impossible to fence, and so all he's done is set a target on his back. Even worse, I've walked by hundreds of people with similar demographics for over a year and never experienced anything worse than attitude and angry words, but this punk gave every one of his kind a black eye. It reminded me of the security guard at Walmart last November who made disparaging remarks about the way I was dressed. When I turned around and asked him if he wanted to say it to my face or just attack me from behind, he escalated to violence, making it felonious. I don't think people like this stop until they are caught or killed, which is unfortunate.
The man who mugged me did nothing but entrench my negative expectations of members of his culture. Without any provocation I can explain and without any real prospect of true profit, I was attacked from behind by this ruffian. In fact, all three attempts to rob me since I moved to this house were perpetrated by black people. The only time I was ever physically attacked with deadly force in my life was from a black man. What kind of a person attacks another, larger, adult male without a weapon? He must have been high or very desperate. What kind of a person thinks that I went to the bank at 8:30PM and filled a backpack with cash? I don't understand the compulsion to take from other people when it would be safer and easier really to get a job and work for it, especially since none of what he took was very liquid if at all. He was violent, aggressive, impulsive, compulsive, dedicated, angry, and above all cowardly. Does it make you feel like a man to attack someone from behind, to throw floor tiles at them as they run away, to threaten violence because you don't get your way? It's childish, greedy, barbarous, and cruel, but they treat their own people that way too. Both he and the guard were only willing to attack my back, prompting me to pay more attention to and watch my back against their ilk. Now, I will regard all members of his culture with suspicion and give them a wide berth. He has robbed the good parts of his culture from an opportunity to benefit from my beneficence and doomed them all to be targets of my scorn.
Even the cops struck me as odd. They were absolutely eager, interested, and helpful. After the older officer photographed the marks on my back, he looked around for other damage or signs of a scuffle. Unable to find any rocks of significant size, it was he who mentioned the tiles, and I remembered that pile of debris left by the garbage men the day prior and found the two shards cast at me in my flight. They took my word for it, and I appreciated that. They educated me about firearm carry laws, and I appreciated that. They encouraged me to carry, which surprised me since it's often difficult to discern in media res the villains from the heroes, especially where guns are concerned, and I know they are still on alert against their own being assassinated two summers ago. It felt almost wild west, and if I follow their counsel, I will be sauntering off to the store with my six shooter and leather holster strapped around my waist just like the cowboys of yesteryear. Maybe it simply boils down to "they need our help". I wonder if it dawned on the thief that, since I had .357mag ammo, I obviously have a gun for it and could have killed him. From now on, I'll carry it when I walk. The strangest thing to me was the suggestion of the officers that I should indeed carry and use a firearm when and where necessary. It seems Medieval to me. It struck me as odd to hear from them how they wish we COULD carry on campus and that we SHOULD help abate crime by carrying weapons to discourage the vile and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violent and vicious violation of volition.
My best case scenario in this was to break even. Once he attacked me, I knew my best hope was to escape unscathed. My assailant would either get something more from me than he previously possessed or leave no worse off, but I would either be worse off or break even and go home shaken. The truth is that these people always have the advantage, because they decided themselves willing to cause bodily harm in order to achieve, but we haven't made that choice yet. Although the police officers were hot to trot that I should have shot and killed my assailant once they discovered I had 357 magnum ammo in the bag he took, I don't need the hassle. I hope it ends here, although I'm sure that now he's emboldened by a successful grab and flee. Now, I have to watch my back, and for at least the next several weeks, I'll look at every member of his race with an increased situational awareness and circumspect, because once again one of their ilk attacked me and took things from me. If I had shot him, I would have to live with that for the rest of my life. If I had shot him, I would need fear retaliation from his friends, family, or perhaps fellow gang members. If I had killed him, I would have had to prove that I fired under justified circumstances. Once I passed that investigation, I expect there would be a civil suit. Since I retaliated, I would have had to deal with the "Black Lives Matter" rotgut. The best I was going to do was break even. My attorney was right- it's better if you just let it go. I had no desire to kill that kid, but I don't think he'll stop unless he is arrested or killed. Once you escalate to firearms, you must be ready and willing to fire and fire for effect, and I don't carry because I'm not sure I'm ready to kill another citizen even if it might protect my life, particularly over a matter of $80. That sounds like something from a Back to the Future movie...
People amass wealth in order to get away from the anarchist and the lawless. Either we use it to move somewhere where things are better or purchase protection from their ilk in walled cities, mercenary armies, police forces or private weaponry. THen the government forces neighborhood integration for "equality" which is the condition of the past. This kind of thing a century ago was normal, that you might be attacked any time, any where, for any reason, particularly if you were wealthy or a woman. Medievalism became modern, where people live in fear of one another, without law, and without order. It saddens me to remember on earlier days when we didn't lock our doors, fear our neighbors, or go out of our way to protect what's ours against strangers who believe they possess right thereto. I appreciate the perspective this gives me, that most people don't know what it's like to walk to the store five nights per week and walk home again safely and expect to be secure in their person and possessions, even in many countries today. My ancestors bought guns because they didn't know if the visitor wanted to share what he had or take from them. All he really took from me was my naivete; the rest was just "stuff", and I make it a point to not have stuff interesting to take so that people will leave me alone. I guess he just assumed that I had something worth taking. Joke's on him.
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