Shortly after the Anschluss, Adolf Hitler traveled to Innsbruck, Austria, to survey his newly annexed homeland now that it was part of the German empire. The mayor of Innsbruck, when ordered to give the Nazi salute to Hitler, flipped him the bird instead. The SS shot him down on the spot and sent all of his sons to the Russian front. When I arrived in Innsbruck in December 1999, I ended up working in close proximity with the mayor's only surviving son. The man had survived the war and gone on to work with the crippled, the psychotic, and the otherwise handicapped. He told me about his father and about their legacy and how he felt it important when circumstances are unjust, despotic, and tyrannical, that the right thing to do was to stand fast a little at the risk of being heroes. Today, CNN is reporting the released Kim Davis as the "Anti-Gay Marriage Clerk". She is more accurately the heroic American citizen who stood up to the tyranny of lawlessness in the name of the law. Kim Davis is a hero.
Ms. Davis was imprisoned for defying an order of a court. Now, most readers already know that I regard the Judiciary as men clothed in the black robes of a false priesthood, but I digress. The court is often wrong and wrong to a great degree. Historically, our courts have endorsed immoral, unethical, and tyrannical positions. They once declared it legal to persecute and imprison persons of Japanese descent (Korimatsu v. US). They once declared that all black people were property and had no rights (Dred Scott v. US). The court is populated with people replete with conflicts of interest, and both Justice Kagan and Justice Sotomayor ought to have recused themselves from the decisions recently espoused, having already been partisan and activist in the cases at lower levels and consequently could not give an objective opinion. The courts have taken it upon themselves to create laws and rights where none exist. They nullify our rights to practice our religion as if the Pilgrims did not come here in order to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. The courts enforce separation of church and state when it comes to Christian or Judaic movements but order us to provide Qurans and blankets at taxpayer expense to those who riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth. When Ms. Davis defied the court for declaring something legal for which there is no precedent beyond the mind of false priests who oppress, she became a hero. She was elected to the job before the court handed down it's ruling. She didn't take it to defy the law, but to defend the laws as extant at that time with which she was in agreement. If she should resign, every single liberal should resign who protests a law. They don't; they change the law instead to fit their personal policy preferences regardless of the virtue of their positions in the eyes of the people obligated to obey. Benjamin Franklin proposed as America's motto "Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God", and that is an American ideal.
Many of those excoriaring Ms. Davis are hypocrites. As part of their campaign against her, they ignore the truth of her story to simply have her name removed from the marriage certificates she refuses to issue. While imprisoned, the certificates went out anyway, meaning there was no need to imprison and make an example of this woman, because obviously there were other people there willing to issue the documents that Ms. Davis found immoral and objectionable. The same people who claim she ought to "Follow the law" because she is a public servant ignore and excuse other higher ranking public officials who break the law with impunity. Jeb Bush wants to allow illegal aliens to obtain the rights of citizens although they didn't follow the law. Rioters continue to rip apart our cities like Ferguson MO, and they are not rounded up either. Police are executed in other cities and assaulted here in Las Vegas, and the police are the ones who show restraint. After gay marriage was legalized, people proudly produced posters saying "America- love it or leave it" when they did exactly the opposite when they didn't get their way. This is not about the rule of law. It's about what THEY want. When they get what they want, it's now the rule of law. When they lose, they don't roll over and obey. They rise up in rebellion. To justify their lawlessness, her opponents point out that Ms. Davis had several failed marriages. Well, her failure does not license your defiance. Shaming her does not make you virtuous. That is the attitude and tactic of an abuser. Beware the temptation to point out the mote in her eye lest you gouge out something with the beam that is in your own.
What else can we expect with the leadership of this administration? Timothy "Tax Cheat" Geithner was allowed to be Secretary of the Treasury. Hillary "Rodham" Clinton transmitted secret documents without proper protections. William "Jefferson" Clinton sexually abused an intern in the oval office. Barack "Hussein" Obama makes treaties without Congressional consent, signs executive orders that skirt the activities of Congress, and spends our money like a drunken sailor. We once had leaders who were men of principle, men of class, and men of honor. Now they sign their lives, their fortunes, and their honour over to party over the country, to appease illegals and our enemies rather than serving the citizenship, and bow to international law rather than defending our sovereignty. What is the point of leaving British rule if we then simply return to living according to European standards? Let's not forget that Europeans, Asians, Africans, and people everywhere have bad people and bad governments. America is the best nation, the most virtuous attempt at civilization, ever attempted in recorded history. What happened to Hillary Clinton's assertion that "We have a right to debate and disagree with any administration"? When Ms. Davis tried that, they jailed her and made an example of her. They hate America. They hate Capitolism. They hate Christianity. They hate the Constitution. They want the law to be their way right away. They want to be as God rather than be commanded of Him. This is the attitude of a tyrant, and it ever has been so, from the time of Xerxes, to Caesar, to Herod, to George III, and to, dare I say, Barack Obama, the most tyrannical president this nation has ever elected. Ms. Davis heroically stood up, and they tried to take her down.
Ms. Davis is not alone in history. Kim Davis evokes the thought for me of Sir Thomas More, who was executed for refusing to license Henry VIII's marriage to Ann Boleyn. If this is about marriage, then rather than lionize Anthony Kennedy, Barack Obama, and the rest of that ilk, let us look to a real hero of law. Making something legal does not make it ethical, moral, or right. I quote Sir More: "Some men think the world flat, others think it round. It is a matter of some question. But if it is round can the king's command flatten it? And if it is flat will the king's command make it round? Therefore I will not sign." The imperfect and transient opinions of a few men in black robes of a false priesthood do not change what is true and real and right. We are so vain to think we can change that with a pen and a phone. The vain man sees the law restricts him and changes the law to fit his behavior. The honorable man changes his behavior to fit the law. Resistance to tyrants is heroic. We need more men like More and more women like Davis to risk something on the altar of freedom to preserve liberty and civil society. Said Thomas Jefferson, whom they often invoke to justify themselves when it suits them, "I have sworn on the altar of freedom eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." That would, I dare proclaim, include that Thomas Jefferson would defy and resist Barack Obama as vehemently as possible. So shall I.
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