During high school I wrote a considerable amount of poetry. Pushed by my composition-literature teacher to write as frequently as possible and full of teenage angst, I usually penned a few lines of poetry rather than something more structured. Last night, during a conversation with a student about high school and how things have changed, I was reminded of poems I write in yearbooks one year. One of the cheerleaders failed to submit a page change in time, leaving a 5" x 7" gap in the sophomore class pictures where a candid should be. When I signed a yearbook, I wrote a personalized poem in that spot, knowing it would not be taken. I have not written much poetry since then.
This week, I wrote one for the first time in many years. Since it's something also that makes me who I am, here it is so you can see what is on my mind and how I write in other forms than prose.
Adrift in a sea of emotion,
I rise and fall
On waves that remind me of
Highs and lows with you
And feel so very far from land and home.
Like Columbus I press forward,
Trusting my heart
And God's whisper that
Somewhere beyond the horizon
Lies a land of promise for me as well.
Each day and night I peer,
Focused on the goal
Trying to hold to hopes
That my search will
Bring me to a green shore like his.
My eyes strain against the light,
Hoping to find land
But aware that tricks play
On the mind of the weary
Until I no longer trust what I see.
When night falls, I hang
A light in the window
To keep my mind aware,
My eyes adroit
My own lighthouse against the storm.
Since these same details already
Hang around my neck
Like ballast I cannot shake
That drags me back down
But never far enough to fully despair.
Knowing that I've arrived before,
Despite storms
Despite mutinous dogs
Despite myself even
Since sometimes I remain my biggest threat.
For protections extant
To know the feelings that guide
My heart, my walk, my way
Across torrent waters, in storms
While all hell wails against my passage.
Maybe the promise,
The premise given on sultry lips
In whispered hush backed up
By feelings, by actions
Will bring you back to light my door and life.
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