21 April 2014

Because He Lives

I had the great privilege of seeing this performed live yesterday, and I felt it was the best way I could imagine to commemorate the Easter Season. Just because Easter Sunday was yesterday doesn't mean we have to forget about Christ for the rest of the year or that it only matters today. Many people make jokes about the fact that members of certain Faiths only attend church on Easter and Christmas, and far too many Christians imagine themselves a God and Christ that expects very little of them and gives them whatever they like. The sad thing is that the sacrifice has been made, and because He lives all who likewise truly desire may join Him in the Father's rest.

Hallelujah! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth! Forever and ever hallelujah. Because He lives, we can too. It is the season of new birth, new goals, renewal, and repentance. We can reset, restart, resolve, and repent. Like the plants around us, we can start over, enjoy a new birth, and rejoice in the wonder of life from lifelessness. The winter of our life is dispelled by the warmth and brightness of the Son. The cold and dark are driven away by light and life and endless day where God's full presence shines. I thank my God that He lives. He gives me hope for a better world. He gives me hope that the things I desire most may yet be mine as I remain faithful.

Historically, the story tells us that when Handel first performed this piece, he stood during the chorus. Traditionally, the audience rises when it is played. That's why I find this my favorite tribute to the resurrection of Christ. It invites us to rise up, to rise above, to stand with Christ, to stand because of Christ. It gives each of us the chance to rise as Handel did to meet the Messiah, to rise because He lives to be where He is. Even if apocryphal, it makes a powerful image, and I feel the Spirit when this music plays. I hope you do too.

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