I decided not to attend Congressman Stephen Horsford’s town hall meeting last Sunday. After some thought, I realized that it was unlikely to bring lasting satisfaction of soul because he wasn’t really interested in what I had to say unless I validated what he already happens to believe. He came to town on a federally funded fishing expedition for sob stories about hardship occasioned by the government shutdown. We have a shutdown because Horsford puts party and power before country and because he interprets compromise as getting everything he wants.
I reject the premise, purpose, and prospects of Horsford’s visit. I have some questions for this goonish public servant:
I ask you to justify holding this event on a Sunday, asking people of Faith to abandon their worship of the Almighty to petition at your feet for redress.
I ask you to explain the rational for what was closed, why the Park Service and Defense Department were closed while the Congressional gym remained open.
I ask you what makes this different from every weekend when the government shuts down, particularly since 83% of expenditures are still being spent despite the so-called “shutdown”.
I ask you to tell us how this is more critical to Nevadans than Nevada’s budget crisis which has kept persons such as myself on furlough for the duration of the Obama administration.
I ask you to justify holding this event in a building on a day when it is normally closed, thereby necessitating additional expense in time and treasure from the Nevada budget.
I ask you to explain why it makes sense to cause additional expense to travel home for a brief meeting when the government is shut down and then cost Nevada more money when you know full well as a former State Senator that this state is cash strapped.
I ask you to explain what you are personally willing to sacrifice from your substantial personal wealth and political agenda to alleviate our problems personally and immediately.
I ask you what legislation you have authored that will make our lives better besides this Mickey Mouse show and parliamentary foist on the somnambulant public.
I ask you to tell me what steps you have already taken to get the Defense Department back online and put the Park Service Police back in line who are terrorizing veterans at memorials in D.C.
I ask you to explain how you have been faithful to the oath you took to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
I ask you to remember that we do not work for you but that you work for us, and if you were one of your own employees you know you would fire yourself so fast that it would make your head spin.
I didn’t go ask him any of this because every time thus far I have confronted him he answered the question he wanted me to ask and not the question I actually asked. I decided not to visit this event because he is a mumbler who doesn’t expect to actually account for his service and cannot string together intelligent sentences without help from members of his staff in attendance. I stayed away because what matters to me doesn’t seem to matter to him. Finally I took a nap instead because I considered a violation of the Sabbath an act of Treason towards God, whom I fear above all earthly potentates. There is God and then there is government. God is greater than government, and government doesn’t like that.
I doubt Horsford found what he sought. I heard exactly nothing about his visit afterwards, so I guess it was poorly attended and a poor return. It came at great expense to the taxpayer for him to fly home just for this and then fly back to Washington so that he could act busy. Horsford has yet to prove that he cares about the concerns of anyone except his own aggrandizement. I fear a hellish end for the odious.
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