My annual review is due on 8 October every year. Usually this happens just in time, not that I’m worried, but when it comes last minute, it’s usually hurried and at a time inconvenient to me. I anticipate that it might be a tricky situation this year. I had some coworkers who were recently promoted without any cause I can see, and if I receive any less than excellent, I will be disappointed. With all humility, I am the best they have, and I look forward to the best compensation they can grant me. If they like it, then they should put a raise on it.
A close friend of mine who once managed people announced last weekend that he intends to vote for Obama. I invited him as I invite you to consider Obama as if he were an employee up for an annual review this November, because HE IS. He works for us, and we pay his salary. If he were your employee, would you rehire him or fire him?
Every indicator of prosperity is in the wrong place under this president. What would you do if one of your employees promised a project by a certain time at a certain price and then, when the due date arrived, announced that the cost would triple and the time frame increase to twice the original term? Would you give him a raise? A bigger budget? Four more years? Yet, that’s exactly what some propose.
I have long protested this notion. During graduate school, a ‘collaborator’ took data I generated and published it as his own work without any attribution. He never shared anything. He stole my intellectual property, and then he returned to his home country with his PhD secured forever. I do not like other people getting paid for my work. I resent the fact that I have more work than when I was hired in 2007, but that I earn less now than I did when I was hired while coworkers receive promotions. I want to see their annual reviews and see how their promotions are justified, particularly if I don’t receive a single senine.
However, this is about more than me. This is about something I love- my country. When the time comes for the President’s annual review, remember that he gave himself an incomplete, which means he has not met the benchmarks. Bench him, and hire someone else.
I cannot understand how anyone who knows anything about business would want to keep Obama on the team. I have been part of organizations in the past that eventually cleared themselves of the riff-raff. If it were up to me, and it is partly, I would rather work with an orange juice can than with Barack Obama in the Oval Office. He disrespects the office and doesn't seem to care about the Founding principles. He has got to go. Then we'll deal with Romney...
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