14 April 2012

Liberals Hate Westies

Liberals hate Westies because we represent everything they don't like. When you head out west, what you find mostly is less a community as it is a conglomerate of people who live in proximity because it's rational so to do. We are not so much neighbors as we are allies, living together because it's to our advantage. Settlement in the west was generally done this way, and the west attracted people who were interested in freedom.

Liberals do not like freedom. As I have said elsewhere, according to them, you will always have too much money and freedom until you have none at all of either. They like people bunched together in urban areas because they're easier to control. Westies were originally rugged ranchers, very difficult to control, which is what spurred the men to action who would eventually become legends of the west like Hickock, Holladay, Earp, etc.

Westies do not really live a life compatible with leftist policy. The only reason why some of those things have made it into the culture and municipal codes of the west is because people have moved here now that it's easier to live in the west who have imposed those notions on us. Most of these liberals would never have survived out here back when my ancestors crossed the plains. They love the beauty of the west without having to pay the price, and now they like to impose their way of life on us.

By definition westies enjoy freedom. Sometimes, they like it too much. A friend of mine created this graphic which I actually like that describes the balance well, even though out west we tend towards rights over responsibilities in terms of the general populace.
In our families, we are all about responsibilities. To strangers, particularly if they come intent on mischief, we are much more skeptical. They can sleep in the barn.

What kind of people, in general, does one find out west? Many westies are fiercely independent, not reliant on government, and consequently not controllable except by persuasion. This might be why so many seperatist movements originate here. We remember that the United States ran us out, annexed the states where we now live from Spanish Mexico, and then forced us again to comply with their laws. We are the people who held on longest to such pictoral vestiges as the one-room schoolhouse, self-reliant farming, stay-at-home mothers, and the like. Our family-centric lives kept families close, valued children, and encouraged everyone to play their part long before the leftists talked about 'shared sacrifice'. If we were not successful, we were dead. We drive almost everywhere because it's a long journey to go anywhere of any significance, and because the Federal Government STILL hasn't finished the Eisenhower interstate system out here. Many of my ancestors "never worked a day in their lives" for a paycheck, but they worked a lot more in their lives than I ever will. Among westies, there is a greater focus on the family and Faith rather than on government or mother earth as god. Like Inga Barks once said of us, out west, "There is God and there is government. God is greater than government and government doesn't like that".

Government is mostly run by liberals who hate us. We are not supposed to be self reliant, and heaven forbid we start to depend on our spouse, our self, or our parish. According to liberals, you are supposed to turn to the government, which will make everything perfect. They forget we came here to escape government in the first place. What makes them think we'll buy that argument now? We remember Johnston's Army, how the Senate refused to recognize the election of Reed Smoot, and the dissolution of the Territory of Deseret. They have always hated us. They have always sought to control us because we do not need them. We have our God and we have each other, and we know that is enough.

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