10 January 2012

The 'Right' to Privacy

You will hear a lot this election cycle about the so-called right to privacy. It's something that was invented. I have heard journalists refer to it as part of the Constitution, even though in all the times I have ever read it I have never seen it mentioned. Monarchists do not care about privacy, unless it's keeping aberrant and abhorrent activities from the public eye. Don't believe me? Let me show you.

You think that you have a private life and a private home and a private demeanor. If you're on Facebook, think again. Everything out there that you send over the internet anywhere or receive from anywhere on the internet is funneled through the ECHELON computer database. Echelon was established under the Clinton Administration to sift through information looking for references to terrorism, sedition, etc. It is highly likely that because I have mentioned ECHELON that this post and everyone who reads it will be monitored specifically to see if we have ulterior motives. They're paranoid.

Think of all the ways in which the Government is in your business. They tell you what toilet bowls you must buy, which light bulbs you are allowed to own, that you can't talk on a cell phone while driving (but other people can put on makeup, eat, or do other things without a $250 fine), etc. They watch what websites we visit, restrict our access to apple juice for its alleged arsenic content (nevermind the uranium, boron, lead, etc. in Lake Mead), and tell us we can't eat trans fats. Then they go out and gorge themselves on whatever food they like. You see, they are better than we are. They are in our homes and in our heads, and they haven't the right. They do not like liberty. They like control.

The right to privacy exists to ensconce aberrant and abhorrent behaviors. When an Idaho Senator made a gesture in a restroom, it was public news. When the president engaged in lewd acts in the oval office, we were told his personal life was off limits. When Bristol Palin gave birth to an illegitimate child, it was all over the news. The president however insists that his children are none of the media's business, and the media complies. The right of privacy exists to establish the behaviors, values, and norms lived by Sodom and Gomorrah: abortion, sexual deviancy, and other rites of paganism.

Need more evidence? Look at your tax forms and every file you complete for any reason. You have to put your blazing social security number on everything. The IRS demands to know what you donate to whom and what it's worth, and you sign the document under penalty of purgery. Fear has become a tool of this government.

Monarchists and elitists do not believe in privacy. They will tell you that they do, but they will always back up the efforts of the police to barge into your home and confiscate your stuff looking for something to substantiate the warrant, if they even bother to get one. They believe in control. If they really believed in privacy, they would back out of control of things that might harm you, institute a flat tax, and let parents deal with their children. The fact of the matter is that they do not trust you.

With great power comes great responsibility. If you would be free, govern yourselves, and elect those who do likewise.

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