02 February 2011

Day 24: Something That Helps Me Feel Better

I was walking down the hall trying to figure out what an interesting answer to this might be. Finally, I lighted upon a fresh pair of socks. When my feet are aching and tired or sweaty and dirty, nothing makes me feel better and more refreshed than clean socks.

For those who don't know, I spend a great deal of time wearing socks. My feet dry out in both summer and winter if they are exposed too much. I frequently hike, and I wear the same pair of shoes to work almost every day for looks, for comfort, and for routine. As such, my feet are frequently tired and sore at the end of the day. When my feet are tired, somehow changing socks helps me feel refreshed and clean and energize. It also works when my feet are cold.

Last spring, some acquaintences of mine went to Yosemite to hike in the back country. I told them that one thing they should do when they made base camp each day was to change their socks. One of them told me it gave her more energy to get other work done when they arrived and that she felt a lot better.

It might be a small thing, but even soldiers are given this advice, and it has saved many a life. I love socks. They make my whole body feel better, including when I hang them from my ears to look silly for small children ;).

1 comment:

Jan said...

Ok, I"m laughing out loud at the vision of you hanging the socks from your ears -- because Mark has done that for as long as I've known him.

And I am a feet/sock person too - had 2 foot surgeries in the past few years and I need those good, clean socks. They feel wonderful!