07 October 2010

Survival of the Fittest

Destroy an eagle's egg, and you go to jail. Destroy a human embryo, and that is considered and celebrated as your right. Discuss.

What a great exam question that would make. If you want to answer, please do before you read the rest of this post.

There are a few great reasons that it's ok to kill a human in the minds of many individuals. Humans are not yet considered an endangered species. Humans are also considered to be the servants of the earth by some.

Who decides that a species is in danger? Truth be told, moral men are an endangered species, and so in truth, I should be recipient of police protection, financial subsidies, etc., to protect me from extinction. As things are looking, I will not reproduce, and yet the government does nothing to vouchsafe the existence of moral men. If anything, they reward the promiscuous man, who receives welfare, food stamps, and education subsidies as an example because his family has grown in step with his libido.

If we are the fittest species, then why do we not let other species die? Humans are the only species on the planet that places the survival of members of other species above its own survival. We will stop all activity to save some snails. We sacrifice our wills for the sake of species that view us as inconvenient pests or scary predators. I am kind to animals and plants, but the rabbits and chuckar still run away from me during my morning runs. Diplomacy towards the animal kingdom has not made it's members trust me, and then there are the Dobermans that would as soon rip my calves off as massage them.

Submit your papers. I am interested in your reasoning and conclusions. Class dismissed.

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