27 July 2010

To Them Ascribed be Honor and Majesty...

Lindsay Lohan, 24, gets her name and face all over the news because she finally went to jail. There are some other names we ought to remember instead.
Justin Allen, 23
Brett Linley, 29
Matthew Weikert, 29
Justus Bartett, 27
Dave Santos, 21
Chase Stanley, 21
Jesse Reed, 26
Matthew Johnson, 21
Zachary Fisher, 24
Brandon King, 23
Christopher Goeke, 23
Sheldon Tate, 27
are all Marines that gave their lives for you this week. Honor THEM by reposting this..

In August, 2009, I mentioned a few more I know, living and dead, who gave their lives, or at least part of them, to fight for you.

Joe P E-4 USA (KIA-Iraq) Armor
Carole S E-3 USA (WIA-Iraq) MP
Blake S E-3 USMC Infantry
Blaine D E-5 USMC Infantry
Kristina R E-8 USN Engine Room Control
Brian G 0-3E USAF(WIA-Columbia) Intel
Paul W 0-5 USAF WSO
Matthew A E-2 USMC Communications
John W 0-1 USA Infantry
Matthew H 0-3 USAF ABM
Casey B WO-2 USA Helicopter Pilot
Russell G E-7 USN Seal
Arthur S E-9 USMC (WIA-Vietnam) Infantry
Peter K E-4 USA(WIA-Afghanistan) MP
and others too numerous to mention...

Updated 22 February, 2010

Jay Q 0-1E USA Sniper/Medic (WIA-Panama)
"Tex" S 0-6 USAAC Pilot (WIA-Korea)
William D E-3 USN Submariner
Tasha J E-5 USN Communications
Michelle S E-5 USA Mechanic
Jay A E-3 USMC Infantry

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