I wrote a letter to Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee to run against Harry Reid in November for the US Senate, but her website is not functional. Since I figure I run about the same chance that she will see what I have to say here as she will if I mail it if it can run the gamut of her advisors and interns, I decided just to post the meat of it here.
Mrs. Angle, Harry Reid has done you a favor. He runs the same attack advertisements run by Danny Tarkanian during the primary, except that he made a mistake. He quoted you in context. It is well known that you oppose social security. Tell us why.
Do continue to stand up for the Constitution and rule of law.
Do represent the wishes of your constituents.
Do sell us on why you believe what you believe.
Do articulate that the right way to have our wishes done is to grant the government that power.
You run a great risk of alienating the people you want to represent. Everyone knows that Harry Reid could give a flying flapjack what we think. If you win the election, it does NOT mean that a majority agrees with EVERYTHING you say. Be different. Act like a Republican and represent the will of the people. Now, they may want something to which you have neither power nor authority. Explain how that works and then if they want it, work to amend the Constitution. It has been done before- with Prohibition. If, however, the people after your best effort to sell them what you think is best want to ensconce Social welfare programs in perpetuity, then YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO DO IT. If that's too hard for you, then you do not belong in Congress.
If you want to beat Reid, you have to be different from him. Do your business by the voice of the people, or they will replace you too.
Unless you do these things, I predict Reid will win reelection, which would be a real shame.
Mrs. Angle, Harry Reid has done you a favor. He runs the same attack advertisements run by Danny Tarkanian during the primary, except that he made a mistake. He quoted you in context. It is well known that you oppose social security. Tell us why.
Do continue to stand up for the Constitution and rule of law.
Do represent the wishes of your constituents.
Do sell us on why you believe what you believe.
Do articulate that the right way to have our wishes done is to grant the government that power.
You run a great risk of alienating the people you want to represent. Everyone knows that Harry Reid could give a flying flapjack what we think. If you win the election, it does NOT mean that a majority agrees with EVERYTHING you say. Be different. Act like a Republican and represent the will of the people. Now, they may want something to which you have neither power nor authority. Explain how that works and then if they want it, work to amend the Constitution. It has been done before- with Prohibition. If, however, the people after your best effort to sell them what you think is best want to ensconce Social welfare programs in perpetuity, then YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO DO IT. If that's too hard for you, then you do not belong in Congress.
If you want to beat Reid, you have to be different from him. Do your business by the voice of the people, or they will replace you too.
Unless you do these things, I predict Reid will win reelection, which would be a real shame.
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