27 March 2010

Demagoguery and Debate

Friday night, a "friend" of mine attacked me. Here are some of the things I said that night by which I am most particularly impressed:

You see in me what you choose to see. If you cannot see the good, then that's your problem. It's there.

Everyone wants to be accepted for who they are. I would appreciate it if they returned the favor.

There's no point in talking until we can hold an honest conversation. If all you intend to do is throw one-liners at me, then communication is impossible for now and it's best if we postpone interaction to avoid altercation.

As soon as you realize that your fellows prefer to demonize you rather than discuss the merits and facts of an issue, you know they care more to demagogue, because that's easier than a debate.

Sometimes I amaze even myself.

1 comment:

Bri said...

I've had occasion to use my own version of #3. Seriously, if you arent willing to listen to and consider both sides of an argument, I see no reason to hold a debate over it.