02 January 2010

Bad Things and Good People

I don't have all the answers to this, but I had a few thoughts.

About a month ago, a friend of a dear friend died of leukemia. That night I told her boyfriend as I have told her since that I felt it was the best thing for everyone involved that he die. As I take stock of 2009, I have come to the belief that if it were as important to God as it is to me that I have a family, I would have one. If it were as important to God as it was to me to baptize on my mission, I would have. Obviously, it was more important to God that I serve in Austria and that I remain single for now. If not, I would not have had the experiences and met the people I have, for which my life is greatly enriched.

I don't know Robert. I don't know why he died of leukemia, but I knew the night he died that it was for the best. One thing I do know. I know that all matter is intelligent, that it obeys its creator. Only humans have the right to exercise agency. So, nothing bad will happen unless God allows it, and neither will anything good.

When I spoke to my friend about Robert's death, I told her, "You cannot get any disease unless Jesus gives it permission to get you." It was obviously more important, either for Robert's sake or for our own, that he catch, suffer and die from leukemia than that he be cured. Who knows what difference that will make to change the lives of others for the better?

1 comment:

Bri said...

I actually really believe this as well. Many people have a hard time understanding this. They want to believe in a god that is always wanting them to succeed in life, as society defines it. They dont understand that God knows what's best for us and is trying to teach us something with every experience(or lack thereof) in we have. All of it is geared towards our eternal progression. It is different for everyone.