30 December 2009

Securities Monetary and Otherwise

If 2009 taught you anything, it should teach you that financial security is an illusion. A penny saved is subject to government fiscal policy, and that last farthing may be all that you have.

When I was told earlier this semester that I would no longer be teaching, the department chair was apologetic. He asked me if I had depended on that income for financial decisions. I told him that I counted only on what I already had in the account. Even that's not guaranteed.

Vice President Biden made comments during the campaign that cost me money. He criticized WaMu as unsolvent, and that created a run on the bank. I had 50 shares of WaMu that are now worthless, and it locked up about $6000 of money while it was transferred to Chase.

Other people lost everything.

Money for me is just a storage medium. I convert my time into money until I find something for which I consider it worth my while to trade my time. Then, I spend the stored time on whatever that is.

There is a simple secret to wealth- never spend more than you have.

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