03 October 2009

By What it Is, Not By What it is Not

A friend of mine posted up a video yesterday depicting Albert Einstein's defense as a young boy of the existence of God. It brings to mind a larger issue that I choose to address.

Like Albert says, we define cold, not as a thing itself, but as the absence of heat. We likewise define darkness as the absence of light. We likewise define evil as the absence of good.

People are prone to point out the absentia of certain virtues in people and point at them as truths. The truth however is, that no man is all good or all bad. The evil that men do is simply a lack of good. Said Abraham Lincoln, "If you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will." Fact of the matter is, there is no bad in mankind at all. There is only good, however meager the amount may be.

This is why God can love all men and it is the currency by which he redeems them. There is goodness in every man, an inner nobility. They are what they are. They may not seem to be as much as you consider yourself to be, but as CS Lewis says in the forward to the 1961 edition of Screwtape, if you remove all the good from man, you are not left with evil, you are left with nothing at all. See the diamond within. See the hope. See the light.

Learn from one of earth's wisest thinkers to look for what is instead of for things that by definition do not exist.

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