31 August 2009

Avocado Trees

I am as many of you know a plant scientist. My major research project in graduate school was "Secondary Metabolite Analysis by Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Vitis vinifera under Abiotic Stress". This means, "stuff plants make when they are stressed". When I landed this university job, my boss was particularly interested in my plant background, and it has opened other doors as you will soon see.

At this point, I am particularly impressed by my latest venture. For the past six months or so, I have changed my diet which means I eat about 3-5 avocados every week. After a certain point, I decided to not let the pits go to waste and started trying to germinate them. Today, I am pleased to report that I now have three avocado trees growing in the window of my office. I just love living things.

Thank you God for the love of plants and gardening you planted in me when I was but a small lad.


Unknown said...

So can you tell me why my zucchini plant is yellowing and flowering but not producing fruit? I'd love to know...we actually love zucchini bread around here.

Doug Funny said...

There is a nutrient deficiency. Probably P/K. One of the easiest things you can do is pour soda on them. Yes, I know that sounds weird, but if you drink it but don't like it warm or flat, it has phosphoric acid in it that helps flowering/fruiting. Yellowing is almost always a sign of deficiency. If it was disease, you would not see flowers.