I was thinking on a thing expressed on one of those power of thought things (ok from the secret dvd) that when some one gets up and something goes wrong right away they think this is going to be a bad day, and so it does.. well so I was just thinking that if you got up and something went wrong and thought, shoot this is going to be a great day! lol and even if more things went bad through out the day if you still thought the same thing and believed the same thing that it was a great day then it will be a great day and at the end of the day can be considered as such, no matter what bad thing may have or may occur through out it... lol I don't know if its a bad thing, but that has been my philosophy lately. Well that pretty much no matter what happens I want to be able to say that I had a great day. lol and then I was thinking how would I express the things that were technically not so great (in the category in normal world lol) I thought I would probably then express it as, well i've gone or going through some experiences right now. But you see all these experiences are for our growth!! and we really are able to be happy all the time, we know and specially if we believe it, that as long as we live our lives the best we can, all will work out, this experience will turn out the way it needs be, and it could be a horrible experience but if the fact that you can view it as a learning one, a good one, a happy one, or just simply as an experience well I think one really does not have to experience to much devastation or sadness more then need be. I have learned that there was many an experience that I had allowed myself feelings of sad emotions about that really were not things to feel that way towards.
The tools I learned and now often call upon are rather simple things, are for one, circle of concern and circle on influence, and the basic principle is to work with in you circle of influence, focus on the thing that you can actually do something about, and leave the circle of worry to be a very small one.
Another principle I learned in life before, but this book really challenged me to look at my self and look at my core belief. and to be confident with it as my core belief, focus, motivator in life. This book really had me dig into my my core and really have a good look at it. Like take it out and analyze it feel it in fingers take a needle to it and dissect it!! lol if you haven't gotten the picture well enough. lol well pretty much it really made me look at my core self, where is my core, how strong is it, what is it/who is it. and then how do I want it to look, how strong do I want to choose it to be, what I want it to be. !!!! It made me chose and recognize that... [I] can be confident, defiant, strong, and all because [I] do not wishy washy on the emotions sprung by others and because [my] core is Jesus Christs and his amazing teachings! I absolutely love this gospel and I am grateful for every single day that Heavenly Father gives me to experience and learn from!!!
OK, so what are the lessons I learned from this email:
1. People preach most vehemently that which they need most. This person has been ardently on my case for the last month telling me to think happy thoughts when almost exactly a year ago they had the selfsame problem.
2. There is no good or bad. There is just experience. I can't remember what I was reading recently, but it talked about how you can't really make mistakes- just learning experiences. Something to do with child raising...
3. Life becomes what you expect of it. If you expect things to go badly, sometimes they will. You help actualize that which you dread and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
4. Strenuous activity=growth. My workouts could have shown you that.
5. If you do your best, things work out the way they should. I have of late been doing the very best I know to do something I believe God wanted me to do. If He'd wanted it done better, he wouldn't have asked me. So, it turned out exactly as he knew it would.
6. Focus on the things youo control. Everything I control is under control, so I'm in pretty good shape.
7. Where you are at is a matter of perspective. You can choose who you want to be. You can do what you want. Just seize the day!
8. I too am grateful to have God in my life directing it. If you could only see my journal from the past week... He's actually getting perturbed that I keep asking him the same questions and not listening to his answers...
9. I have decided to try every day to have a happy day and not let circumstances dictate my destiny. Today was a good day.
Everything I control is under control. I was true to myself. I was honest. So things didn't turn out like I hoped. It doesn't mean they won't and it doesn't mean that something better isn't just over the horizon.
Sometimes in my prayers I ask for "blessings that are not disguised as trials", but when I see the blessings in the trials, I am grateful. God thought I could handle it, and difficult thought it may have been it proved to me again that I believe what I believe and that I am strong.
These truly are great days. Thousands and thousands of them.
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