10 April 2009

Priorities: Pizza and Puppy

Instead of tending to the Pirates!, our president's priorities involve pizza and a puppy. He's distracted and too busy to make a statement to the American people about the pirates and took a week to get around to dealing with it. However, he took care of what was important to him.

In my experience people make time for the things that are most important to them. Obama made it back to the White House in time for the Wednesday night soiree and now he's flown in a pizza chef from Missouri to cook 20 pizzas for 150 guests. No mention of the carbon footprint of doing this instead of getting it locally. He has a chef in the white house for crying out loud.

Power has gone to his head. They say that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. If George Bush had done this, flying in someone from TX to cook special steaks, the media/propagandist bureau would have had a cow.

Plus, they've finally picked a puppy. Is this the First First Dog? No. Good grief, how unimportant is that? I don't notify people about the asinine banalities of my life like how many dogs I own and when I'm getting another or that I'm taking one to the vet on Tuesday. Now you know. Maybe CNN will be there to do a story.

Stop praising the president for perfunctory priorities. He's supposed to protect American citizens. I doubt that Captain off Somali feels like the president is doing his job...I know I don't.

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