One of the first things I noticed when I got up this morning was that the Supreme Court finally did something right. This morning, they decided that we do have a right to what the Constitution says we have a right to- own a gun.
The problem with the ruling lies in the reactions to it. The Media bemoaned and bewailed how now people will tend to be more violent, when studies have clearly shown that more guns=less crime. Some people vowed to fight the findings, like the mayor of DC, who thinks we don't have a right to our rights. In celebration of the Court's earlier asinine rulings, the media essentially tells us that it’s okay to rape a kid, but pornography, that’s not okay. It's okay for criminals to own guns (although they don't obtain them through classical means), but if you have one in a home invasion, YOU are the criminal.
Americans need to get away from the mindset that our rights come from government. Years before the Constitution was written, another document long forgotten laid out in concise language how our Creator gives us rights, and that we establish government to PROTECT those rights. Most Americans I know, in particular those younger than I, take up an attitude as essentially submissive as a sheep and wait for rights to be thrown their way. Rather than view government as a benefactor, we need a healthy dose of circumspect, which leads us to worry that every time government meets they might be taken from us. Said Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV), (Harry Reid's predecessor):
The problem with the ruling lies in the reactions to it. The Media bemoaned and bewailed how now people will tend to be more violent, when studies have clearly shown that more guns=less crime. Some people vowed to fight the findings, like the mayor of DC, who thinks we don't have a right to our rights. In celebration of the Court's earlier asinine rulings, the media essentially tells us that it’s okay to rape a kid, but pornography, that’s not okay. It's okay for criminals to own guns (although they don't obtain them through classical means), but if you have one in a home invasion, YOU are the criminal.
Americans need to get away from the mindset that our rights come from government. Years before the Constitution was written, another document long forgotten laid out in concise language how our Creator gives us rights, and that we establish government to PROTECT those rights. Most Americans I know, in particular those younger than I, take up an attitude as essentially submissive as a sheep and wait for rights to be thrown their way. Rather than view government as a benefactor, we need a healthy dose of circumspect, which leads us to worry that every time government meets they might be taken from us. Said Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV), (Harry Reid's predecessor):
Every day congress is in session, you lose a little more of your liberty.
I fear how tenuous our liberties were today. By a vote of 5-4, one vote, we almost lost the Constitutional right to own a gun. These men are not elected, held office for life, and can erase in a moment years and years of work and effort by men trying to protect what we won in 1776- freedom. Clothed in the black robes of a false priesthood, this tyrannical minority of nine persons comes close to a monarchy, and operates under the same principles argued against by Thomas Paine in Common Sense. Go ahead- buy and read the book! These things are our rights, not because some men decide they are, but because they are given by God. They were our right before any of these men were born.
These judges seem remiss to admit that we live in a Federal system. Under that system, some states want things; other states don’t; if you don’t like the state rule, move. Instead, liberals move out of their enclaves into places they would never have gone without a gun, and find things not to their liking, no surprise. Instead of doing things the right way and appealing to reason and gentle persuasion, they appeal to the federal government for help implementing their own will…the federal government gladly reaches down and takes our freedom away. The other night, I was watching an episode of King of the Hill where Peggy's family speaks of how Hollywood types have moved to Montana and ruined their way of life.
The worst part of this is that it's veiwed as news. It should not be news that the Supreme Court upheld the 2nd Amendment- that's THEIR JOB. How do we reverse this tenuous tyranny of the majority? Mark Levin suggests using recess appointments, thereby showing liberals they can’t helter skelter hold a new constitutional Convention and take away rights not given us by government, but rather given by God.
These judges seem remiss to admit that we live in a Federal system. Under that system, some states want things; other states don’t; if you don’t like the state rule, move. Instead, liberals move out of their enclaves into places they would never have gone without a gun, and find things not to their liking, no surprise. Instead of doing things the right way and appealing to reason and gentle persuasion, they appeal to the federal government for help implementing their own will…the federal government gladly reaches down and takes our freedom away. The other night, I was watching an episode of King of the Hill where Peggy's family speaks of how Hollywood types have moved to Montana and ruined their way of life.
The worst part of this is that it's veiwed as news. It should not be news that the Supreme Court upheld the 2nd Amendment- that's THEIR JOB. How do we reverse this tenuous tyranny of the majority? Mark Levin suggests using recess appointments, thereby showing liberals they can’t helter skelter hold a new constitutional Convention and take away rights not given us by government, but rather given by God.
Yeah, I saw that on the news last night and was totally shocked to hear how close the vote came. I remarked to my wife about how that shouldn't have even gotten past the first draft because of the second amendment. I thought, "somebody's gotta recognize this is unconstitutional!" ... 5-4?
There was a shooting near where I live where a gunman went to a mall and started shooting random people, starting in the parking lot and proceeded to shoot at people well into the mall itself. He was finally put in check by an off-duty officer who happened to be carrying a gun and forced the shooter into cover until the local police showed up in force to arrest him.
I kept wondering what would have happened if the couple that was shot in the parking lot were armed as well? Or even if the kid had the foreknowledge that if he went out in his anger, brandishing a loaded weapon, that the chances of him encountering another armed civilian were high, and his anger would never get played out?
This is an old debate and difficult to find the right balance between control and freedom. Making handguns illegal isn't even trying to find the balance, unconstitutional as the concept already is.
Excellent point. Most politicians are, as you say, not "even trying to find the balance". They are not interested in win/win solutions. They are interested in lose/win scenarios, where we capitulate in order to keep the peace.
If you give up everything you have and your assailant wants more, where are you then? You have nothing more to lose. We have serious problems, and we need serious people to solve them. These four justices are a disgrace.
That's right. I said it.
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