I heard tell Wednesday on Mark Levin’s radio program about a teacher who told his students that Conservatives were all going to hell. The mother of the child, once Mark pulled her on air, promised she would “educate” herself so she didn’t sound uninformed when she complained to the principal. Were that I, I would waste no time going down and striking down that kind of behavior. I don’t care who you are, whether your parents gave you a WII or if you ate too much or if the kids didn’t pick you for kickball or if you wore mended jeans or had buck teeth, etc. Nothing gives you the right to talk to my son like that.
In high school, my AP History teacher showed us a rated-R movie in class despite my religious preference to not watch movies of that rating. When I went to complain, the principal listened, and the teacher was promoted to dean. At least he wasn’t imposing his beliefs on students in class anymore.
A friend of mine called me frantically one day a few years ago asking where the school district offices were. One of the teachers at her daughter’s school had taken her daughter forcibly by the arm, manhandled her to the end of the line, and verbally lashed her for an imagined transgression of which the girl was not guilty. My friend wanted to file a complaint, and I accompanied her and her children.
It is incumbent on parents to look out for their children. I know plenty of people who don’t care about their kids, wanting the prestige of having posterity without the responsibility associated therewith. Some people have no business bringing children into this world. Some others have no business teaching them.
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