I have been watching the History Channel's 13 part series on the
Rise and Fall of Rome. I highly recommend it. I have noticed as I listened to it how many similarities there are in our day. It seems that too many of our leaders, unwilling to learn from history, have been forced to repeat it.
Here are a few things I pulled out of the series:
Rome was brought down by largess
Today we find that, pretty much whoever holds the reigns of power, they give kickbacks to their friends and hand out bread to the masses in return for temporary control of power
Money buys votes
Although we ostensibly choose our leaders, sometimes it really does feel like the Democrats would hand out methadone, needles, contraceptives, and free cars in return for checking the default of Democrat if they could get away with it
Amateur hour by their CinC results in near disaster 113BC Consul Carvo
Our current CinC, having never run anything really in his life including his own household, has thrown our troops time and again into harm's way, to the point where we're getting our clocks cleaned by nomads
Only aristocrats can lead them to victory
They still resist the notion, as did the Romans, that anyone can be good because of skill. They cling to birth, to seniority, and to an aristocracy. Whether it's the notion of Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton, they consider the rest of us barbarians and unable to lead America to glory.
Armed with more arrogance than skill
Very few of our elected leaders are actually accomplished in anything other than winning elections. Obama in fact himself said one of his biggest qualifications for being president was that he won the election. Yet, they always have a plan. The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan.
The only thing more dangerous than a barbarian army is a barbarian woman
Rather than defend the border against incursions, the Obama administration has, via the Dream Act/Executive Order attempted to do things that guarantee that the barbarians actually settle our lands, forgetting that allowing Odoacer to do so in 465AD led to the end of Rome.
Significantly alter the way we live
Obama always talks about 'fundamental transformation'. You transform things you don't like. He doesn't seem to care what we think. Despite being overwhelmingly opposed by popular opinion, he passed Obamacare anyway.
If it’s just a raid, it’s temporary
Despite tooting his own horn about killing bin Laden, Obama doesn't seem to take any other incursions against America and American interests seriously. The border violence with Mexico doesn't bother him, despite the fact that weapons he had sent to Mexico killed an American DHS agent and have created danger zones on the Mexican border. Rome never did reinforce the Alps, and a steady stream of Germanic tribes poured across it and harassed them unceasingly. Let's also not forget all the drugs pouring over too.
Marius won their respect by eating the same food, sleeping in the same ditch and by being in better physical shape than his men
While the people are faced with increased expenses and lower wages, Obama luxuriates at our expense. Look at the beers he drinks when he goes out; he has higher tier beers. Look at the fact that he didn't pay the bill at the Father's Day brunch. Look at the vacations Michelle takes. It's no wonder the military has members actively speaking out against him!
In Roman society, there were many more poor than middle class
Obama spoke this week about how important "trickle up economics" is. What trickles up from the poor? Disease, misery, and poverty. The poor don't have extras. Obama's policies will destroy the middle class, not to mention they balkanize us into classes...
Marius judged them not by their pocketbook but by their skill
Rather than look at skill, most politicians surround themselves with lackeys. Obama also this week suggested that, in lieu of giving gifts to other people, you give gifts you would otherwise give to newlyweds, friends with birthdays, etc., to HIM and his campaign. How arrogant!
Rome underestimated the veracity of the barbarian women who, like Sparta, preferred death above dishonor
Several years back, Obama announced a new military medal for "courageous restraint". As our enemies arm their women and children or dress up their men as women, Obama rewards people who let themselves get killed. Patton said that you don't die for your country; you let the other poor bastard die for his.
Fear of barbarians led to a change in politics just as fear of financial collapse has for us
Barbarian incursions upset the economic status of the empire. Once the Vandals took North Africa, there was little food to eat; when Egypt fell, that happened too. When they lost the Alps, they lost the salt mines. Fearing for financial collapse, our government has, as did Rome, usurped industry and commerce.
Sacrifice: I approve of your plan, but no guarantee of victory
When the Romans turned to pagan gods, they were not guaranteed victory. Obama turns to the pagan patrons of Marxism, who approve of his plan, which has no guarantee of victory. In fact, he runs on the same platform saying that he just needs to keep doing more of the same. I thought that was the definition of insanity to do the same thing and expect different results.
To keep his position, Marius turns to corrupt politicians and assassinates potential rivals
Obama surrounds himself with criminals, miscreants, and malcontents, and although he has not killed anyone, he continues, as he did when he ran for the Senate, to assassinate their character, pointing out the mote to draw attention away from the beam in his eye
Still loved in 86BC, he continues to win elections, sliding towards dictatorship
Although I cannot conceive how or why, many people seem to be in love with Democrat party candidates. Although they cannot point to their records, these men are charismatic demagogues who gain support through charisma rather than their CV.
Political injustice and endless war becomes the slippery slope that ends the Empire
While they afford special privileges to our enemies, our government continues to be unjust towards the citizenry. While they talk of peace, Obama gets us into ever more wars- Syria, Africa, Afghanistan, and back to Iraq.
Growing greed poisons their politics
Despite party affiliation, most politics seems driven by greed. Too many of them are interested in what will benefit them rather than what will be of benefit to the civil society. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people, and as soon as virtue is gone, no government can govern the people that will not govern itself.
Genocide becomes the modus opporendii in order to avoid another Spartacus-style slave uprising that might happen if they took too many prisoners
This one hasn't become obvious yet, but it has been the clarion call of the power monger throughout all of recorded time.
Conservatives suspect Ceasar, but they are ignored
Not only do they ignore conservatives, they vilify them. They see only the evil in the people with whom they disagree and only the good in people they happen to like personally. Most concerns of Obama's power are dismissed, or they deflect and talk about what conservatives 'might' do if they took power. What about what the Democrats DID do while they had it?
Pompeii is so infatuated with his teenage bride, Ceasar’s daughter, that he neglects his work
Politicians today are easily distracted. From vacations to golf to the NCAA brackets, it seems like they will search out and embrace any excuse to do anything other than the job they are paid to do.
Caesar’s dispatches justify illegal actions because they are successful
The ends justify the means, according to most politicians. Apparently, drones are ok now because they use them to kill terrorists. Apparently the war on terror is ok because Obama got Osama. He doesn't question the morality of his decisions and policies, only whether they accomplish what he wants.
Brutus, Ceasar’s nephew, reads greed and ambition into Caesar’s writings
Some of Obama's former backers are now warning us against him, which is fascinating that they might, if times were different, do to him what Brutus did to Ceasar
Ceasar becomes a de-facto king, and the people fear that if he becomes factual king the people will lose their rights to vote
As Obama continues to skirt the authority of Congress and talk about what he will do if Congress refuses to act, we can see the same thing loom that loomed for the Roman Senate. If he obtains power to do his will then what will our will matter except to vote him once again dictator for life?
Brutus is persuaded to conspire against him
Everyone seems to be breaking with Barack. Biden threw off the image of lunchbox Joe. Former backers are now endorsing Romney. Hollywood starlets are disappointed. There is talk of Hillary for President. They are disallusioned.
“no one man can be the leader of Rome”
Groups like the Tea Party gain strength from the notion that one man might be seeking to make himself king. This is not an oligarchy or a monarchy, and these kinds of groups will continue to grow and gain strength.
Led to more violence and to empire
With the defeat of Arizona's immigration law, Obama has left the southern border open and issued an open invitation to drug dealers, warlords, and terrorists to cross the border. In Rome, that led to solidification as empire, abolition of the Senate, and civil war.
Obscene riches for all, the link of the army to its general, and competition amongst the aristocrats to serve themselves set up a perfect storm for Empire
Despite the fact that Obama cannot keep his campaign spending in the black, he continues to promise special benefits. Even as SCOTUS prepared their briefs, Obama issued an EO and granted amnesty, making the court look bafoonish. At the same time, he claims he has the support of the army and law enforcement, despite the fact that his issues claim he believes them to be racist bigots.
Nation-building to expand Roman culture to the barbarians
Obama and his ilk used to mock Bush for nation-building. Yet, he insists on following suit, embroiling us in ever more foreign efforts to "spread democracy".
Conquest becomes the lure
With his recent actions concurrent with SCOTUS decisions, Obama has made it clear that unilateral action is only bad if it's done by Republicans. He once said he didn't have power to pass the Dream Act alone; he has done so. He once said the government controls immigration policy; he bites his thumb at states that try to enforce the laws.
Her neighbors call “civilization” tyranny
All of the nations we are attempting to 'help' and in which we are at war are upset that we are there. We do not share their values. The reason why our Constitution works for us is because the people living at the time it was written shared Judeo-Christian values and were about commerce and freedom. Without those things, we are imposing our values on them without their ability to comply, even if they consent! That is tyranny.
Seduces its enemy with trade and luxury
Rome gave away technology and fancy goods and protection in order to gain allies, acquire territory, and obtain hoplites. We do the same thing, relying on the notion that they will not want to disrupt trade or lose the flow of American luxuries (as long as our luxuries are still made within borders we control or by allies who like us). It is essentially bribery, and the money must keep flowing. Even then it's no guarantee. If you doubt that research why Jefferson engaged in the Barbary wars.
Rome gives tribute to Dacia, which invades the province of Moesia
Obama gives technology and assistance to our regional rivals. There remains suspicion that Obama allowed Iran to capture a drone and that he's giving away secrets and technology to gain power. That only holds until our enemies think they can do better by breaking the dike of power.
Forsake the needs of the empire to pursue personal glory
Obama goes out of his way to take glory and pursue his own happiness. He golfs, goes on vacation, takes credit for Seal Team 6 and for the killing of the Somali pirates. He gloats about intelligence and in doing so threatens our national security. He trades benefits for votes and promises to give people jobs, buy them new kitchens.
Romans believe in the power of the past…how have WE always done things
Even as DEMs complain about the GOP going backwards, they try the exact same policies. Obama says we just didn't spend enough in the stimulus (which he now blames on Bush) and insists that it just takes more of the same until it will eventually work. That's the attitude of a demagogue and the mark of insanity, doing the same thing and expecting different results. The GOP does not want to go back to the old way of doing things; that's the DEMs who want to run everything with wind and the sun as if we're still sailing wooden ships across the Pond. The GOP wants to go back to the old way of facing the future.
Demands that every person take part regardless of religion
Rome forced Christians to make sacrifices to pagan gods. Obama essentially did the same by forcing the Catholic church to pay for contraceptives and commit infant sacrifice to the gods of indulgence, luxury, and popular sodomy. He does not care about religion, and most people are not sure what his is if they think he even follows one.
Decius allowed religion to pitt roman against roman at a very time when barbarians threatened the borders of the empire. The people lived in fear, usurpers arose. As they pit us against one another, they blind our eyes to incursions from without. When Rome's legions were preoccupied putting down rebellion, they were pulled from the borders and left them open to incursion.
When the army loses faith in the emperor, it leaves the borders open, and barbarians pierce the heart of the empire, reaching near to Rome itself. Obama has done even worse by encouraging SCOTUS to declare Arizona's border open. They will not respond to calls from AZ law enforcement, which essentially tells the Goths to come in and sack Phoenix at will.
The emperor was expected to be in command, in the front rank, not on the golf course. Although Consuls, Generals, and Emperors were chosen for demonstrated military valor, sometimes they had to prove it. Obama has done none of that, taking credit for things he did not do and did not support. He was upset with the Navy officer who authorized the snipers to kill the Somali pirates, and he did a CYA when it came to Bin Laden in case the mission was botched, then he bragged about it and gave away our intel secrets. Egotistical!
Maxcentius promises free bread and tax cuts, but they learn it is a lie. It is no longer a secret that Obamacare is Obamatax. It's not going to give anyone anything. The poor already have Medicaide, but the states are going broke, paying at least 50% of their budgets paying health care for the poor. Your health care isn't free. Your coverage is guaranteed, but you still have to pay for it! If you don't there is a fine, enforced by the IRS.
Aleric only wants a Roman command. When the Romans slaughter Goths, he threatens Rome, but rather than work with Aleric, Honorius displays no tolerance for barbarians. In many ways, the DEMs regard the GOP as barbarians- uncultured, unconcerned, and uncivilized. Obama has zero interest at all in working with the GOP. For him, compromise is when the GOP capitulates to his will.
Avidus Enjoys the luxuries of power while ignoring the true problems of the empire.
This weekend, Obama gloated over his SCOTUS win. Then he promptly took off for a week vacation because he "works so hard", and he'll assuredly take vacation in August although probably not to Martha's Vineyard lest it cost him in an election year. Meanwhile he still eats and flies and campaigns at our expense, making an official 15 minute visit so he can get it free and then hold a half dozen fundraisers that don't help us.
Without a well-armed military they are vulnerable to the barbarian murdering and blood-lettings
In addition to cutting the DoD budget, Obama also wants to cut their healthcare. What happened to "costs won't go up" and "you can keep your doctor"? They always cut the DoD, because they hate the military. It's a threat to them (see Egypt and the end of Mubarak). On our southern border, the barbarians murder and rape and pillage, using weapons given to them by Fast and Furious and Eric Holder's DoJ. The military is powerless to do anything.
Rome dies because of ambition, because the leaders do what is best for them rather than being good stewards
Obama is all about power and prestige. Roberts' ruling was all about his legacy. It was not done in consideration of what was best for us; it was good for them, and that was good enough. The Constitution died last Thursday with the scurrilous rulings on Obamacare and Arizona.
Army loses allegiance as the government refuses to pay them (wow, that’s familiar). Invasions of homesteads overcame the army (illegal immigration). Eventually Rome gave way to a new empire, but the Goths weren't interested in Empire; they were interested in plunder.
In Rome lay all the wonderful and terrible aspects of humanity, and if we understand them, perhaps we can repeat the good ones. If only Obama were really interested in the good of the people rather than in his own eternal glory.